
How can I give?

You can give your tithes, offerings, and financial support to the West London Church of God through the following three methods
During a Sunday service

Please place cash or cheques in the offering bag during the offering at any Sunday service.  If you are a UK Tax payer, and have signed a gift aid declaration form then please place any cash in the designated gift aid envelope which can be picked up from the help desk. Please fill in all the details requested on the envelope so that gift aid can be claimed back from the government, as we are a registered charity and the government give charities back £0.25 on every £1 donated. 

Standing Order

You can set up a standing order so that regular payments go from your bank on a weekly or a monthly basis.

The details for this are:

Account name: NTCG-WLCOG
(New Testament Church of God – West London Church of God )
Account Number:  32224052
Sort Code:  60 -19 – 39
Reference : Your Name

Bank Transfer

You can make a bank transfer using the following details-  

The details for this are:

Account name: NTCG-WLCOG
(New Testament Church of God – West London Church of God )
Account Number:  32224052
Sort Code:  60 -19 – 39
Reference : Your Name